Author: Nichanan

4 Reasons Why Customer Data Platforms Are Becoming An Essential Tool

A customer data platform (CDP) is the ultimate wingman for […]

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Data In Shaping Marketing Decisions

In marketing, tracing the impact of various tactics was once […]

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The Ultimate Guide to Marketing Automation

Marketing automation refers to the streamlined approach of employing software […]

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The Impact Of Digital Transformation On Business Models: Opportunities And Challenges

Digital transformation in business involves using new technologies like artificial intelligence and […]

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Safeguarding Your Reputation from Email SPAM Breaches

Digital Alchemy is launching its Martech Breakfast Series for 2024! […]

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Digital Transformation Caused Business’s Biggest Tech Problem

How businesses can regain control of their tech stack, streamline […]

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Duplicate Customer Data: Dealing With an Empty Cookie Jar

As more global businesses go digital, there is increasing pressure […]

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Your Perfect Holiday Email Marketing Template

Email marketing is a cornerstone channel for ecommerce brands, especially […]

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Creating Customer Experiences that Endure

MUCH ATTENTION has focused on the superficial areas of customer experience […]

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CPG Brands: Product Data Drives Omnichannel Growth

CPG brands have ever-expanding opportunities beyond traditional sales channels. With […]

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6 Quick Hacks to Growing Your Subscription-Based Business

Seventy-eight percents of adults currently have subscription services, whether it’s […]

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How to decide if you should get a marketing performance management platform

Implementing an MPM platform has implications for every aspect of […]

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The Top Marketing Trends for last Q22: Cookieless Replaces Contactless

It’s fair to say that professionals of all stripes have […]

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5 Strategies to Build and Track Audience Engagement

An engaged audience is critical to any brand’s marketing success. […]

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5 paths to post-cookie personalized advertising

CDPs. Identity resolution. 2nd party data. Contextual advertising. Marketers are […]

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Getting business process outsourcing right in a digital future

Outsourcing the management of business processes is becoming much more […]

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Why clean data is key to organizational success

Without clean, actionable data, brands will have a difficult time […]

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Social media as a service differentiator: How to win

With customers increasingly moving their service interactions onto social media, […]

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4 Ways to Improve Communication With Your Customers

With trust in business on the decline, strengthening customer communication […]

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AI and machine learning in marketing: Are you deploying the right models?

Three areas where AI marketing can help: marketing data management, […]

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7 Tips on How to Build Customer Loyalty

Customer loyalty can help your business boom in the best […]

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Optimizing CRM Will Increase Revenue Velocity

THE nuances between different types of software platforms are extensive, and one […]

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Why we care about marketing agencies

Marketing agencies are an essential part of the digital marketing […]

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Digital marketing’s contribution to company performance rated as down significantly

The 11% drop can be attributed to higher expectations and […]

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