Category: Data Management

4 Reasons Why Customer Data Platforms Are Becoming An Essential Tool

A customer data platform (CDP) is the ultimate wingman for […]

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Data In Shaping Marketing Decisions

In marketing, tracing the impact of various tactics was once […]

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4 New Strategies to Approach Lead Generation Differently

Gives your sales a boost by generating high-quality leads with […]

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7 Lead-Nurturing Strategies

A good lead-nurturing strategy can drive many positive results for […]

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Data Drives Innovation And Improves Business Resilience

We don’t generally consider data in and of itself to […]

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APIs connect. A fundamental part of the new neural network, […]

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ZoomInfo x Bain: 10 Insights From Our CMO Event

In collaboration with Bain & Company, we recently hosted two panel […]

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6 Quick Hacks to Growing Your Subscription-Based Business

Seventy-eight percents of adults currently have subscription services, whether it’s […]

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How AI is helping revolutionize telco service operations

Solutions that enable advanced retail experiences, smarter scheduling, self-healing, and […]

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Insights to impact: Creating and sustaining data-driven commercial growth

How B2B sales pioneers empower their sellers and drive sustained […]

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Deep changes in the CDP space

With many independent CDPs being acquired, is the stage set […]

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Retailers need technology more than ever to win brand loyalty this holiday season

The stakes are high for retailers: They need to deliver […]

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A technology blueprint for personalization at scale

Personalization at scale requires companies to take on the challenges […]

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Is your Marketing activity becoming “asynchronous”?

If you want consistent Customer Experiences, you need both data […]

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Benefits of a Customer Data Platform (CDP) explained

Not just for tech wonks: Benefits of a CDP explained […]

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Digital Alchemy adds George & Matilda Eyecare (G&M) to its client list.

SYDNEY, Australia – Digital Alchemy (DA), a marketing service provider […]

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Data Enrichment: How to Add Value to Existing Customer Data

In today’s competitive environment, customer data has the potential to […]

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AI is Getting More Emotional: Adding Psychology to Marketing Automation

As any marketer worth his salt knows, AI and Machine […]

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Leveraging the ‘goal effect’: Loyalty Programs that work

While they’re not a new idea, loyalty programs are everywhere. […]

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“Aha, I knew it!”, 3 ways to use the confirmation bias in marketing

Suppose you have spent your entire life believing that motorcyclists […]

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Unravelling the myth of best day and time to send emails

It’s no secret that we marketers attempt to analyse every […]

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3 reasons why you don’t get value out of your data & how to fix it.

It’s much easier to collect data than it is to […]

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Digital Alchemy wins gold at The Loyalty & Engagement Awards 2018

We are proud to announce that we have won a […]

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The Power of Loss Aversion in Marketing

Whether it’s losing money on the stock market, or seeing […]

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